The Elusive Mystery Of Love

Will the mystery of love ever be solved? Should it be? We want to be coupled in joy and ecstasy until we want to be alone to find ourselves, but just for a moment until we are lonely again. Such is the push and pull of human nature to want to be seen and accepted for who we are.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

My Tribute to My Mother

In this beautiful time of spring and newness.

Everywhere I look --I think of you.

I pass your house and see the bland yard
That you used to keep looking so beautiful
I walk into the garden center at the local walmart store and almost stop in my tracks!
The smell of the flowers brings back your memory with vivid thoughts.

The smell of wrigleys spearmint gum and mabelline makeup
along with the smell of those coffin nails that you idolized---make your presence almost undeniable!
I can almost hear you say,
"We better wait just a few more weeks to plant in case it freezes again"
You always seemed to be on the search for a particular flower.

Your last year alive~it was hollyhocks.

We never could find any, so this year Mom -I bought some Hollyhock seeds. Do you think 10 packages are enough? I am dedicating the whole border of my garden to you with them.

I also got the DVD copies back that i made of your life and funeral.

Your boyfriend John Denver sounds great!
I see how you went downhill and suffered.

I'm glad you are free Mom.
Even if it means that I cry when I hear your songs;
Even if it means I have to hold back the tears at Walmart.

Even if it means turning my head the other way when pass your old house.

I am happy because i know you are happy.

You are with your favorite and my favorite person ever....your son and my brother. Your parents are cussing each other and laughing.

And your sweet sister Beth is hearing all about the news from the last 15 years.
Your onery sister Donna is in the corner glaring at everyone!
the phrase that she barked out- which we laughed about for years!
Like we were going to eat it!!!!
I miss your sense of humor which only seemed to be passed on to me and my oldest daughter! How lucky we are to have it!
A part of you.

I hope you enjoy the flowers when they bloom
I miss you MOM. ANd can you please force yourself to tell Dad hello and that I'm so sorry that I didnt give him his blood pressure pill that morning....
Happy Mothers Day..........

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