The Elusive Mystery Of Love

Will the mystery of love ever be solved? Should it be? We want to be coupled in joy and ecstasy until we want to be alone to find ourselves, but just for a moment until we are lonely again. Such is the push and pull of human nature to want to be seen and accepted for who we are.

Friday, April 12, 2019


I spent the day thinking about grace & clarity; This after I totaled my car yesterday. 

If we could have full clarity when we go into every situation or even early in the morning about what the day would might save a little bit of heartache & ALOT of energy expended on things that turn out to not really matter that day...or ever. 

But...we can't know everything....or we would be robots...Or we would never leave our house. Or talk to anyone because we would know how the relationship would end. 

The only solution is to experience life AS IS. The moment, the day, & take the good stuff along with the aching hurt...& disappointment...

My pain, my worries, my inconveniences today were quickly replaced by the saddened news that many friends & family are suffering the deep shocking painful loss of a nephew of one of my friends....a random accident😓

It is bittersweet because as a result of that, there are a few other families who are celebrating the gift of life through organ happy they must be due to the exact same situation thats causing others so much pain....

Sometimes it's hard to find meaning in things...some things JUST ARE ...but most of the time we can find a meaning....It's not being Pollyanna & living in a fake cheerful bubble...

It's being realistic & caring & hopeful & loving & strong.....& weak at the same time....💘

My meaning I gained from the last few days is to slow down....don't let the push &-pull & shoving of life..,(& of salt lake traffic)...get to me...everyone wants you to go go ..get out of their they can get on with their life...Not realizing that there entire life could change in 3 seconds....

I hit a truck yesterday because I was usual. My radio wasn't even on. My phone wasn't by me.. But the sun was in my eyes and I DIDN'T TAKE THE 2 SECONDS TO PUT MY SUNGLASSES On BEFORE I started moving a5000 lb or so vehicle .

It's time to slow aware of my surroundings & know where I've I can know where I'm going!

I am  extremely greatful that I only have to pay $1000 (hopefully) & not have to pay for hurting someone else..or injuring myself more.
I am grateful I only missed 1day of work 
I am grateful that it was me in a wreck & not any of my kids who I worry about every day.

There is always clarity after the fact..especially with people we meet. We learn how they tick, so it all makes sense as to why they are who they are...but you can't have that knowledge and clarity without working thru the emotions, putting in the time and experience. So don't be frustrated that you can't know everything all at once. 
"I just wish I knew if HE WAS THE ONE!!"

Life is designed to EXPERIENCE it...Not KNOW  it all at once. And SO WHAT if he's NOT. You had the experience and learned from it or just flat out enjoyed it. 
That's what life is about. 
Experiencing joy. 

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